Thursday, January 6, 2011

From the Daily Om to 12 Secrets of Highly Creative Women

Every day I receive wonderful input from my email connections, the one I enjoyed today was from the Daily Om: When we can allow ourselves to receive as well as give, we do our part to keep the channels of abundance open.

Our Sisters Seven have been introduced by Julie Mitchell to a book called the "12 Secrets of Highly Creative Women," by Gail Mc Meekin.. I ordered it from Amazon, and it sat during the holiday season.. This month the gals are meeting and want to review sections of it and discuss what we have read.

I decided to read it during one of my New Years Resolutions, spending time on the Treadmill.. Now, I am hooked, Reading over the list of ladies that share on these pages, I am surprised that the book is not larger, only 200 plus. Many of the ladies names I recognize, many I don't.

I am looking forward to reading what they have to say, and what my "sisters" interpret from what we are reading.. This is very different from Alyson Stanfield Book, "I'd Rather be in the Studio". That was an organizational book, and sort of an on going bible of awarness.. And we are getting ourselves organized. That was a wonderful book, and it brought our little band of artists together.

We will let you know how this book affects each of us in the weeks to come.
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